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With the ‘silly’ season approaching at the speed of light, it’s easy to let our good habits slip in the name of celebration. But with a few simple steps and a common sense approach, you can keep your gut health – and your overall health – in tip top shape, rounding out the year in fine form.


Moderation - 4 Steps to a happy, healthy silly seasonWith copious catch ups, parties and gatherings over the next few months, it can be easy to throw caution to the wind when it comes to your diet. But moderation is the key to maintaining a healthy gut this silly season. Of course, you can absolutely enjoy the delights that this time of the year brings! But being conscious of amount of the seasons delicacies that you consume can also help you balance these treats out with healthier alternatives. If you know that you’re headed to a social function later in the day, try to ensure you eat a healthy, balanced breakfast and lunch – and perhaps even a light snack before your event to ensure you’re not trying to satiate yourself with bite size canapes that offer very little nutritional value. If you’re in a rush for time pre-event, a sandwich made with wholegrain bread and packed with salad may be just the thing to keep your gut health (and waist line) in check. When you’re out and about at a function, look for wholegrain crackers, air popped popcorn, grainy breads and fresh fruit and veggies in the charcuterie offering. If it’s deep fried, covered in batter or doused in a creamy sauce – give it a wide berth.


Even with best laid plans for moderation through the silly season, at the end of the day, we’re all still human. Overindulged and now tempted to lay on the couch for a Netflix binge? Think again. Get up, get out, get into the sunshine. Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining your health – both physical and mental – through this chaotic time of year. Even if you can’t fit in your usual workout, fitting in a 15-minute walk here and there can make all the difference to your overall wellbeing.


Water is the only way! Drinking enough water daily through the silly season – and to be fair, every day – is critical to maintaining your overall health. Drinking adequate water each day ensures that your body operates in tip top condition – by supporting the healthy functioning of your digestive system, keeping your joints healthy and lubricated and keeps your skin soft and supple.

Self Care

They don’t call it the silly season for no reason. This time of the year can become so busy but taking a moment or two for self-care is a non-negotiable. This could be some time at home to rest, reading a good book, getting enough sleep or even prepping some meals for the future so you can feel organised and control of the days and weeks ahead. Meal prep with a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats as well as wholegrain breads, pastas and wraps to ensure you’re keeping your diet as balanced as possible and consuming a wide and varied range of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

The silly season only comes around once a year, so above all else – remember to take care of yourself and enjoy the moment!

Intended as general advice only. Consult your health care professional to discuss any specific concerns.

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